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关于举办第四届“用英语讲中国故事”皖西学院 校赛活动的通知

发布时间: 2024-01-24 浏览次数: 1521



























1.来华留学生组活动包含初级阶段、中级阶段、高级阶段和中外青少年展演四个选拔阶段。The selection of the Domestic Foreign Students Category includes four rounds: Preliminary Round, Intermediate Round, Advanced Round and Grand Showcase.

2.选手从3种形式自选1种形式来准备作品,三种形式分别是“朗诵、自我介绍、故事撰写和朗读”。The contestants will prepare their entries in one of three forms: “Recitation”, “Self-Introduction” and “Story Writing & Retelling”. The requirements are as follows.


选手从推荐荐文中选1篇,或从推荐图书中自选1篇,用非母语语言(建议为中文)朗诵故事段落。具体形式为选手面对镜头进行朗诵,模拟舞台现场拍摄不超过130秒的视频,在线提交视频作品。Contestants choose one of the recommended articles, or any article from the recommended books, recite a story paragraph in non-native language (Chinese is strongly suggested). Requirement: Contestants recite in front of the camera, record a video of no more than 1.5 minutes, and submit the video work online.

1.屈原与九畹溪的兰花Qu Yuan and the Orchids of Jiuwan Stream

2.未了的乡愁 Lingering Nostalgia

3.老子身上的中国智慧 Origin of Chinese Wisdom

4.屡创“世界第一”的港珠澳大桥 The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

5.高山流水遇知音 Classical Music: Story of Mountains and Streams

6.平凡岗位上的不平凡奉献 Train Ticket Seller Sun Qi

7.兵马俑 世界第八大奇迹Terracotta Warriors The Eighth Wonder of the World

8.面条像裤带 奇字奇面 Biangbiang Noodles A Fantastic Dish with a Fantastic Name

9.曾国藩 洋务运动的先驱者 Zeng Guofan Pioneer of the Self-Strengthening Movement

10.湘绣 以针代笔的艺术Xiang Embroidery Using Needles to Create Artworks

11.追求卓越 永无止境的创新动力 Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology Pursuing Excellence in Aerospace Innovation

12.江南制造局 中国民族工业的摇篮 The Jiangnan Shipyard The Cradle of Chinese National Industry

选手可至微信公众号CHN Stories,回复文字“来华留学生组”下载朗诵文稿。Follow the WeChat Official Account CHN Stories. By typing “来华留学生组”,contestants can download the recommended materials.


选手从自身出发展开介绍。自我介绍的内容须含有中国元素,中国元素包含且不限于中国风物、习俗、人物、成就、艺术或精神。The contestant will introduce himself/herself. The content of the introduction shall contain Chinese elements, which include but are not limited to Chinese cultural icons, Chinese customs, Chinese great figures, Chinese achievements, Chinese arts, or Chinese spirit.

具体形式为:选手面对镜头自我介绍,模拟舞台现场拍摄不超过130秒的视频,在线提交视频作品。Steps: Contestants will introduce themselves in front of the camera, present your performance during video recording as if you were on the real stage, and submit a 1.5-minute video online.

3)故事撰写和朗读Story Writing & Retelling

选手撰写短篇故事并朗读,须围绕中国元素展开创作内容,请注意不要以选手个人为故事主体。中国元素包含且不限于中国风物、习俗、人物、成就、艺术和精神。你的故事应该有一个清晰的叙事结构,包括“故事开头(介绍背景和主要人物)”“故事主体(叙述主要事件以及故事高潮”和“故事结尾(鼓励创意生动的故事结局)”。Contestants shall write a short story based on Chinese elements. Please be careful not to use the contestants themselves as the subject of the story. Chinese elements include but are not limited to Chinese cultural icons, Chinese customs, Chinese great figures, Chinese achievements, Chinese arts, or Chinese spirit. Your story should have a clear narrative structure, including a “beginning” (introducing the setting and main characters), a “body” (describing the main events and the climax of the story), and an “ending” (creative endings are especially encouraged).

具体形式为:选手撰写创意故事,并模拟舞台现场进行故事朗读/背诵,录制不超过130秒的视频/音频,在线提交视频/音频作品(故事文稿可选择性提交)。Steps: Contestants will write a creative story and read/recite it on a simulated stage, and submit a 1.5-minute audio online/audio. (The story script is optional.)

(三)参与建议Suggestions for Participation

1.荐文资料:请关注微信公众号下载获取更多朗诵荐文资料。Recommended materials: Please subscribe to WeChat Official Account to download more recommended recitation materials.

2.作品:在网页中提交12个文件。Submission: 1 or 2 files submitted through the Webpage.

3.视频规格:视频文件时长最多130秒,支持格式支持mp4flvmkvrmvb等视频格式文件,视频文件最大200MVideo guidelines: Video is maximum 1.5 minutes long, and the supported file formats are mp4, flv, mkv, rmvb, etc. The maximum video file size is 200M.

4.文本规格:支持文字输入和docdocxpdftxtjpgpng格式的文稿附件,文件最大20M。建议使用安卓系统用户选择“上传图片”或“输入文本”的方式提交作品。Text guidelines: The file formats such as doc, docx, pdf, txt, jpg, png are supported. The maximum size of the text file size is 20M. Please upload images or input text, if you are an Android user.

5.录制建议:作品须由选手本人展示,注意展示过程中请勿透露个人信息(中文姓名、学校名称或着校服校徽等);视频录制可自行准备背景、PPT、服装道具等来辅助模拟现场;请不要在作品中添加广告内容、雷同内容或抄袭作品等涉嫌作弊等不规范内容。Recording suggestions: Please do not show any personal information, including but not limited to Chinese name, school name or school uniform badge during the display. Present your performance during video recording as if you were on the real stage, and you can prepare your own backgrounds, PPT, costumes and props to assist. Please avoid advertising, having identical content with others, plagiarism, and any suspicious conduct.

6.评审结果:初级阶段评审结束后,选手可通过活动微信公众号收到晋级与否的结果(晋级通知将包含下一阶段的说明)。Judging Results: After the preliminary evaluation, contestants will receive the results notifying them whether the contestant is qualified for the second round through the official WeChat (the notification will include instructions for the next round of the challenge).








